Vassiliades Ekfraseis Winery
Vassiliades Ekfraseis Winery in Chandria village in Limassol region is located at an altitude of 1275 meters. Their vineyards are located above and below the winery at different locations with an average altitude of 1200 meters. They cultivate both local and famous french grape varieties. The winery is fully technologically equipped however strives to minimize use of these technologies in an effort to stay close to the traditional character of the wine making process.
Telephone: +357 26 95 65 25
Mobile: + 357 96 34 26 22
Wine talk
- Tasting Ekfraseis Wines with Christos Vassiliades @ Wine Scribble [24-09-2020
- Mystify me by Mateo Jarrin Cuvi @ Whine on the Rocks. [26-03-2015]